magazine that is

In Paris this season, women are willing to extend down to six days of the nine usual, thanks to a petition filed by a group of influence editor of Vogue Anna Wintour. This means that 13 is a day that starts and ends early and late shows.

The early start may be painful, especially when there are celebrations the night before a game of Miuccia Prada, Azzedine Alaia at his home and studio in the Marais district, organized a birthday party for two employees Harper's Bazaar magazine editor, Glenda Bailey, the new modern market of restaurants and an auction and party for thousands of other magazine, twice a year on fashion and culture magazine that is thrown by the same people behind the London-based Dazed and Confused, which published a nice post Kate Moss Today, Jefferson Hack.


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Par fanhuiye le vendredi 05 novembre 2010


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