One type of flip

Long ago, this particular type of shoe is used at home or if the summer has begun with the unbearable heat. Flip-flop can be seen everywhere. These shoes can also be combined with the clothes in the closet. You really have to combine it with a pair of shorts. They may be connected to a pair of jeans, which has its own historical struggle as style.

You can even dress a modern look. Flip-flop, such as jeans or denim clothing closet category is characterized as a farmer or a group. This is where an article of clothing of people who disappeared from the streets. In parts of Asia, some countries consider the flip-flop as an employee of the shoe. In the 1970's, some people in public places like theaters and offices have been discriminated against because of wearing flip flops. One type of flip-flops became known Baki coined to describe the lower class or cheap.


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Par fanhuiye le vendredi 05 novembre 2010


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