the Koran and other

Similarly, children learn to win that Muslims are doing a good job in prayer to the Creator of heaven and. The basic framework for what is faith in God. Children can receive the reward of paradise if they are on tour with his faith in God. Surat Al-Fatiha recited by Muslims or the opening of at least seventeen times a day for the obligatory prayers, or Salah. This chapter of the Koran, the books were called Umm-ul-Kitab or a book of his mother.

There are some reports that children learn from the quiz section. You continue to ask direct questions. For example, what is the Muslim house of worship; Online Muslim Salah; What are three ways to visit the mosque? Etc. There is a section that deals with ethics in the mosque. The fundamental question is, what we do in the house of Allah? These books are Muslims, too, clearly defined with a glossary. Children with different conditions, as is known from As-Salaam Alaikum, Duaa, Jennah, the Koran and other religious things.

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Par fanhuiye le mercredi 03 novembre 2010


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